Advocates with the Chief Registrar after enrollment to the bar at the High Court
A total of 96 lawyerswere on Friday (November 20, 2020) enrolled as advocates of the High Courtpresided over by the Chief Registrar, HW Sarah Langu Siu, at the Judiciaryheadquarters, Kampala.
In strict accordancewith COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures, the enrollment exercise wasconducted in two shifts.
The Chief Registrarcongratulated the new advocates and in a special way thanked the presidentUganda Law Society (ULS) for helping her organize this function.
She emphasized thefact that the new advocates should practice with integrity and respect,remember their duty to court, clients and the community. "Be patient andsupport the Judiciary to fight challenges of backlog and corruption."
HW Langa urged the newofficers of court to uphold ethics of the legal trade. "This is the secondlot I have enrolled since I assumed office. I am depending on you to make meproud. Please spare me the embarrassment of making cancellation orders of yourpracticing certificates," she said.
The Chief Registrar'scall was reiterated by Mr Aaron Motoka, who represented the Law Council. Heurged the advocates to be professional in their work by maintaining properconduct, practice in approved law chambers and steer clear of any offences thatmay drag them to the disciplinary committee.
"You are nowdifferent from the people on the streets, therefore, speak, act and walk likelawyers. Use your legal spects and knowledge to be independent andhonest," he said.
The ULS President, Ms.Pheona Wall Nabasa, commended the Chief Registrar for prioritizing theenrollment exercise. She further encouraged the newly enrolled Advocates to becommitted, ethical and available in order to offer justice to the community.
"This countryneeds you. Decide and identify which kind of advocate you want to be and thisprofession will be good for you. To be a good advocate, write down whatever youwant to be written about you and always remind yourself as you perform your duties,"she said.
Each of the new officers'court registered their names in a book of advocates in order to be issuedpracticing certificates.
Posted 20th, November 2020